Golden Little League - BACKGROUND

The volunteer Board of Directors for the Golden Junior Baseball Association (GJBA), a Colorado 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has provided youth baseball opportunities in Jefferson County for over 35 years, overwhelmingly approved an August 2023 motion by a 30-1 count to create an official chartered Little League Baseball® program.  Little League International approved the creation of Golden Little League (GLL) in November 2023.  Several existing neighboring leagues graciously adjusted their boundary areas to accommodate the creation of GLL.  GLL was subsequently assigned as a new member of Colorado District 2 (League ID#325300).  

As a result of this decision, starting in the spring 2024, players of League Age 12 and younger will be placed on teams under a new organization named Golden Little League (GLL), and players of League Age 13 and older will continue to be placed on GJBA-formed teams that compete within the independent Rocky Mountain Junior Baseball League (RMJBL).  Both organizations will coexist during the spring 2024 season.

little league baseball - brief summary

Little League International is the largest youth sports organization in the world, an 85-year old congressionally chartered association with over 6,500 baseball and softball leagues located within 80 countries and all 50 US states.  The standardized Little League baseball rules, regulations, and policies have a rock solid multi-generational track record of providing & teaching youth players life lessons that ensure strong individuals and communities.  Little League Baseball is a world renowned brand name providing instant recognition, and most parents including the majority of current GJBA members simply assume their kids are already playing Little League Baseball.  The traditional Little League baseball season is generally divided into a regular season schedule occurring during the springtime and early summer timeframe, and an All-Star post season double-elimination tournament occurring during the mid-summer timeframe.  Little League also offers a distinctive fall ball schedule.

league vision

The Golden Little League Board of Directors (GLLBOD) strives to create a traditional, town-centered, competitive baseball league for boys and girls ages 12 and under based on a desired culture of back-to-basics, less-travel, and close-to-home values, wherein kids from the Golden area compete with and against each other in a healthy, friendly, and competitive environment, thereby resulting in Golden area families supporting one another and hence cooperating with future classmates, teammates, and neighbors, and thus creating a solid Golden-based community.  A solid Golden-based community will serve families well, both during their time in the league and far into the future.

2024 primary focus areas

  • Preseason efforts will primarily focus on recruitment and retention of existing GJBA Transition Players.
  • Regular season efforts will primarily focus on creating a community environment for members.
  • Post season efforts will primarily focus on creating All Star tournament teams at each applicable age level.

2024 Enrollment Authority - GLL vs. GJBA

Both organizations will coexist during the spring 2024 season.  GJBA will continue to form teams at age 13U and older, but withdraw all existing teams at age 12U and younger from the RMJBL, and not continue to create new teams within RMJBL at age 12U and younger.

  • If the player’s League Age is 12T or younger (reference age chart), the player shall register with Golden Little League in order to play on a GLL team.
  • If the player’s League Age is 13 or older (reference age chart), the player shall register with Golden Junior Baseball Association in order to play on a GJBA team.

General Registration Information

  • Payment Terms & Conditions 
    • GLL/GJBA requires full payment at time of registration.  Payment plans are not available/accepted.  Payment shall be completed electronically through the registration website via credit card only.  Paper checks are not accepted.  Any past-due payments from previous registrations will also be collected. 
  • Waitlist Registration Status 
    • GLL will determine the maximum capacity for each GLL Division based on reasonable preseason estimates of various planning factors, including but not limited to (1) volunteer coach availability, (2) team size parameters, and (3) field accessibility considerations.  Parents are advised that registration for any particular Division will close with no prior written notice if/when the actual enrollment reaches the maximum capacity, and additional player registrations beyond that time will subsequently be placed on a Waitlist.  Based on the above listed parameters, the GLL BOD is authorized at their sole discretion to consider creating new slots for additional teams utilizing a first come first serve basis. 
    • Waitlist registrations should plan to attend Evaluation Day unless notified otherwise, and Waitlist registrations will be accepted or canceled during the last moment timeframe just prior to Evaluation Day.   Only players with accepted registration status may attend Evaluation Day. 
    • Full payment will be collected at time of registration, and Waitlist registrations that are not accepted will be provide with a full refund, as well as references for neighboring youth baseball associations. 
  • Scholarships Available 
    • Limited financial assistance is available at the discretion of GLL/GJBA.  Parents should contact GLL/GJBA ( for more information. 
  • Typical Registration Fee Includes 
    • Little League Fees (as applicable within GLL), RMJBL League Fees (as applicable within GJBA), Division Game Schedule (as applicable, weather/cancellation dependent), Game Hat, Game Jersey, Umpire Fees, Field Use Fees (games/practices), Batting Cage Fees (as applicable), Use & Maintenance of Team-Issued Baseball Equipment 
  • Typical Registration Fee Excludes 
    • Baseball Glove (required), Baseball Pants (required), Baseball socks (recommended), Protective Cup (recommended for all boys; required for boys of League Age 9 and older), Padded Chest Protector Undershirt (optional & recommended), Plastic Cleats (optional & recommended), Personal Bat (optional), Personal Helmet (optional)


League Age of Players

Team Formation ProcessGeneral BaseballCoaches are required
during the season to
ensure that players…

Type of
End of
… get equal
… attempt

Tee Ball04 to 0605 to 06Coach Focused &
Yes*Tee onlyEntire Batting
Coach Pitch06 to 0807 to 08Coach Focused &
Yes*Coach3 outs or Entire
Batting Order
Minors08 to 11T09 to 11TEvaluation &
No**Player3 outs or
5 runs
Majors09 to 12T10 to 12TEvaluation &
No**Player3 outsNoNo
*  Friend/Coach/Team requests are solicited, collected, and considered during registration
 ** Friend/Coach/Team requests are NOT solicited, NOT collected, and NOT considered

Division League
per week
Post Season All
Star Team

Tee Ball
05 to 06
1 to 2
APR 15
6 to 7
JUN 28
Coach Pitch
07 to 08
1 to 2
APR 15
6 to 7
JUN 28
09 to 11T
2 to 3
FEB 18*
APR 13
18 to 20
JUN 28
10 to 12T
3 to 4
FEB 18*
APR 13
18 to 20
JUN 28
*  Indoor practices begin (optional 1 hour per week per team at batting cage only); outdoor practices begin per the calendar schedule as applicable based on weather & field conditions
 ** Saturday games only (no games during the week)


  • Team Practice Schedules
    • Coach Pitch Division & Tee Ball Division
      • Preseason Timeframe
        • Typically 1 to 2 team practices per week beginning in mid-April with days/times/locations TBD.  Spring practices involve the use of outdoor fields as permitted by weather and field conditions.  Coach Pitch & Tee Ball teams do not utilize indoor batting cages with Golden Little League.  Teams will be assigned outdoor practices at a field in the Golden area with the day/time TBD based primarily on head coach desires and field availability.  Parents are advised that practice days/times ARE NOT KNOWN by the GLLBOD at time of registration.
      • Regular Season Timeframe
        • Typically 0 to 1 team practices per week during the regular season, subject solely to head coach desires and field availability.  Practices typically taper off at the discretion of the head coach once the regular season begins.
    • Majors & Minors Divisions
      • Preseason Timeframe
        • Typically 1 to 2 team practices per week beginning as listed with days/times/locations TBD.  Spring practices involve the use of indoor batting cages and/or outdoor fields as permitted by weather and field conditions.  Practice locations are typically located at baseball fields in the general Golden area.  Teams will be assigned outdoor practices at a field in the Golden area with the day/time TBD based primarily on head coach desires and field availability.  Parents are advised that practice days/times ARE NOT KNOWN by the GLLBOD at time of registration.
      • Regular Season Timeframe
        • Typically 0 to 1 team practices per week during the regular season, subject solely to head coach desires and field availability.  Practices typically taper off at the discretion of the head coach once the regular season begins.
  • Team Game Schedules
    • Coach Pitch Division & Tee Ball Division
      • Game Days & Start Times:  Saturdays ONLY (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
      • Game Schedule Released:  mid-April
      • Game Length:  Approximately 60-90 minutes maximum
      • Game Opponent:  Typically other teams from the same Golden Little League division
      • Game Location(s):  Golden area
    • Majors Division & Minors Division
      • Game Days & Start Times
        • Weeknights (5:30 pm to 6:00 pm) and Saturdays (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
        • Night games and/or double headers are possible and likely Monday thru Saturday after Jefferson County School District summer break starts on/around June 1st
      • Game Schedule Released:  mid-March
      • Game Length:  Approximately 2.0 hours maximum
      • Game Opponent:  Typically other teams from same Golden Little League division
      • Game Location(s):  Golden area (minimal travel for interleague games is not desired but possible at sole discretion of the GLLBOD)